Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The New Kid on The Block

Here is the newest member of our family. My new machine. My old machine is now reclining on the couch ready for her much deserved vacation. I got to play around a bit last night and ended up making two wallets and starting on a third. It is nice to have a machine with a bit of a punch to it. Not that my viking wasn't powerful. I love that machine but she needs a little love to get back to her old self. So now there are two and I love them both! I tried not to get too much of my messy sewing table in the picture. I have a huge pile of patterns and other little pieces of info that need to be filed away somewhere. I hate organizing!

Here is my first wallet from my new machine. I love deep green suede. It is so purty! I wish I had more of it to play with. I got a great idea for an applique with some of it. It will be very inspired by the redwood forest. I hope it turns out as good as it looks in my mind.

So now it is back to finishing the little devil's accessories for Halloween and finishing up a couple of wallets to list in my Etsy and icraft shops. But first!............more coffee! Have a great day all!


rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Ooooh - a new machine - how exciting!!

Unknown said...

Thanks, I am having so much fun learning how to use it:)