Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Stuff and Motivation!

I thought I would share all my newest creations with you:) Yes, the sewing basket really helps! I can actually sit down on the floor with the kiddos while they play and cut and paste my leathery goodness at the same time! I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!

The wonderful thing about creating is that now I am motivated to keep going. I have been going through the stack of leather pieces that I had cut out waaaaayyyyyyy before Ed was born and have been getting those prepped to glue up and sew together. Now if I could just keep my sewing table all nice and tidy so I can work
without feeling squished, then life will be okey dokey!

I also got another custom order from one of my most fabulous customers. It will be very colorful and a lot of fun to put together so as soon as I can pry myself away from this computer, I will be swimmin' in hot pink suede! Have a great day all!

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