Monday, June 28, 2010


About way back when my junior high school buddy and I would stay up late and transform over sized tee shirts into gold. All the while we listened to all the latest and greatest new wave, metal, and punk. Occasionally we got to eavesdrop on her neighbors having domestic battles over a dog named "Braka", too much alcohol, and hard wood flooring. Some of the best times of my teen years ever! I discovered my love of ripped sleeveless tees, splatter painting, and neon colored fabric paints. So this week I get to re-live some of those days. I get to do some fabric painting on two dresses( one for me and one for Ed) and I am buying myself some purty colored tees that are on sale at the grocery store. I am really interested in seeing what happens with all this and where I will fit in all of these projects with my leather concoctions(which by the way are looking fairly awesome with my new paints and pigments involved, can't wait for show and tell!) Meanwhile, I am gonna make another cup o' frothy caffeinated happiness and dream about being fourteen and fashionable. Have a great day all:)

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