Monday, September 14, 2009

Ready, Set, Go!

All set for a sewing marathon today. It appears that Ciaran and I will be stuck inside with more rain, and my having a super sore hip. Baby Ed is getting heavy and it's really getting my legs and hips these days. Her impending due date is making me a bit anxious as far as getting my leather goods sewn up. So, hopefully by the end of today the little box of possibilities will be emptied of a few items which I will then promptly list in my shops. I also get the lovely task of mopping our super muddy kitchen floor with the lamest mop in the world. I might as well get down on hands and knees and lick it clean, it would be about the same as using the useless mop that we have. Oh well, I will dream of a new mop while I am cursing at my current mop, should make for a fun afternoon:)

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