Saturday, July 26, 2008

Stinker is 18 months Today!

I can't believe this little guy is already 18 months old. It goes by so darn fast! From wiggling, squirming, eating, pooping, and crying, to all those plus walking......I mean running, and talking. It has been the best adventure in my life so far. My little barnacle. I love him.

So today in honor of his 18 month birthday, Ciaran and I are going to visit Grammy and Grampy and go to the local woodfair. I don't know if this was exactly what Ciaran had in mind for his special day but he seems to love just to get out to flirt with anyone who will make eye contact with him. Then we head downtown for a donut, coffee, and one purple zipper, then to the park. Somewhere in there today I need to fit in some wallet sewing and ring making. Should be an adventure. I wish you all the best of weekends. Have fun!:)


kim* said...

haha too cute! happy 18th, you wont be hearing that again for a while.

Jessica Haley said...

What a cutie you have!!


Unknown said...

thank you! I think so too:)