It's done! My first travel wallet, complete with zipper compartment on the interior. I really like how it turned out. The design of the wallet needs a few minor adjustments but I think it will work. I am having so much fun making snaps I can't believe I didn't try sooner. I hope to make a lot more in the next few weeks. As soon as I finish up a few other things then I will be concentrating on perfecting my snap an zipper techniques. I think I have it down pretty much, but I just want to see what possibilities my abilities have.
Other than that, Ciaran and I will probably take a little break this afternoon to go and check on my parents' elderly kitty Oliver, who is very old and completely deaf. My parents are in Seattle this week picking up their new puppy Duffy. My dad is so excited about his new little friend. He lost Zeke (his other dog) in November and has been so upset about it. I hope Oliver deals well with the new friend. He is pretty tolerant of everyone around him including dogs but he is so old and frail now, I hope his health holds out. So Ciaran and I will go and hang out with Oliver and keep him company for a while. He always seems to appreciate a visit. Ciaran always appreciates having a new furry friend to hang out with.
oh! I Love it! I want one...
If only, if only...
I have tons more on their way:)
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