I finally finished my first expandable bag. I am very happy with it. I think I will play around with some different shapes and designs for a while and see what happens. I began this little bag as a small pouch with nothing more than a zipper closure but it seemed like a great shape for the particular bag design I was going for. Bag making is tricky stuff. I can pound on a piece of metal and figure out the sequence of events in my jewelry and other metall projects with no problem but handbag making still stumps me at times. I will keep on plugging away, Hopefully it will be successful journey for me.
Today my little, or not so little nephew turns fourteen years old. I can't believe that little purple squirming and screaming baby I fell in love with fourteen years ago is now a teenager. How does that happen so fast? I sure do miss him, we were the best of buddies when he was a little guy and now we send each other silly emails and share sickening jokes(yes, I have a very dark and silly sense of humor)all the time. It is still not the same as seeing him every day. I hope one day our whole family will be a little closer in distance so I can at least give him a big ol' hug on his birthdays. Well Happy Birthday! my dear nephew, I hope your fourteenth year is good to you.
Love the bag- looks great!
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