Friday, May 31, 2013

New Wallet Designs, Air Plants, and The Chicken Dance

This week has been really busy.   It started with busy-ness, and ended with busy-ness.  Just the usual stuff, lots of errands, lots of child related stuff, and lots of trying to purge this tiny apartment of the unnecessary before Summer hits full force.  In between, I have been working on a new wallet design, designing some clothing for me and my Ed.  (Ciaran only likes blue jeans and t-shirts, so no new summer dresses for him!)  I'm also reading a lot about social anxiety in children(and adults), I tried my hand at a hanging air plant terrarium and I'm hooked, it turned out looking like some little alien plant from a Dr. Suess book!   After all that,  we finished out the week with the chicken dance at Ciaran's school today.  He was not happy and cried through the whole thing.  He's a lot like his mom in the respect that it seems to terrify him to be in large groups with a lot of noise, not to mention having to dance in front of everyone.  I felt really bad for him but I cheered for him and I am so proud he made it through, tears and all.  Through the whole thing I kept thinking that if someone tried to force me to get up in front of a group like that now, I'd probably smack them with their own shoe.  Go Ciaran for getting up there despite all your woe and worry, and letting me post a picture of your cuteness:)

Monday, May 13, 2013

This Week's News

Louie, peeking out at me through the palms in his vivarium, my very cute and very picky gecko stinker!

So this week is going to be a bit crazy, not as crazy like the last couple of weeks, but pretty busy/crazy.  I have LOTS of appointments and such.  I also have a little custom order to finish up as well as my newest set of pendants.  I think I'm going to spend Saturday this week just sitting in the big chair watching re-runs of old paranormal shows and such to celebrate.  The busy-ness has been good, a craft show, lots of work, a couple of super fun birthday parties for the kids to attend, many exciting adventures but now it's time to take a little break and sit for a itty-bitty while.  Then I'll get myself together and move on to more making of leather/metal things. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

New for Today!

Purple, olive green, and bright pink, mmmmmm yummy!

blue, olive, and purple= happiness

I think this is my favorite billfold that I've made so far

I wasn't sure about this one but I think I really love these colors together.  

I've been busy sewing over the last couple of weeks, preparing for the 3rd Annual Trinidad Indie Craft Show.  It was awesome!  Lots of wonderful artists and people hanging out in a big room together, what better way to spend the day!  I have a few wallets left over from the show and I will be listing those in my Etsy shop over the next week or so.  This group of wallets turned out really nice!  Lots of rich color and new applique designs.  I am excited to show them off.   The four above are just a small sample of what I have ready to go.  I hope you enjoy!