Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How Many Sips Does it Take......

To wake up enough to start the day? My coffee isn't cutting it this morning. I am trying to get motivated but I keep finding myself staring off into space with one eye only partially opened. Not that I have tons to do, but enough that I should be working right now. Ciaran has no problem waking up, I wish I could just suck up a little of his energy and go with it!

I am excited about my day though. The expectation of some bright green leather in the mail, and a few little projects to sew. Oddly enough, I am actually really excited about doing a little closet organization. I am in the process of getting rid of some of my work clothes that I haven't worn in what seem a bazillion years. It will be nice to say goodbye to my old peanut butter and booger encrusted, bleach stained wardrobe. I can't see where my lovely outfits of this nature would work for me. I am NOT going to be looking out that way for more employment. Even if I do end up having to go back into working out of the home, I doubt anyone really notices that stuff (especially around here), but I do. Since I have given up my interest of working in the childcare field, I think full closure would be to give up the wardrobe. It will be nice to be free! (Although partially naked and free, because my old outfits are the only things that fit right now:)


T.Allen said...

When coffee begins to fail me-I think I'll just sleep the rest of my life away...seriously.

Closet cleaning is often very freeing for me emotionally. Does it feel that way to you or do I have an odd attachment to clothing?

Unknown said...

coffee is truly a blessing!:)

I used to be really attached to my clothes and ended up where I am now, with a whole closet full of clothes that are old and worn out, or that I never wear because they don't fit. Over the last couple of months I have found out how lovely it feels to get rid of extra, non-useful "stuff" and help that stuff move on to someone who might need it.

Rachel Timmerman said...

You've been tagged! Check out my blog for rules :-)

Unknown said...

Oops! I haven't been around for a couple of days, I will make my next full post my "tagged" post, Thanks:)