Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I am Not Sure What To Title This

I don't really have a theme today. I was awful sickly yesterday and again today, I am not feeling that great. Oh bother! No one really wants to hear about all that stuff anyways. Sorry, I will ramble on about something else.

I finished a new little wallet as shown above. My first creation out of the gorgeous pumpkin orange suede I got a couple of weeks ago. I am really liking the flower appliques. I am not really the biggest fan of flowery things but I am liking how these pieces work together.

Now I am back on my quest for white or off white leather. I bought myself some iridescent red pigment the other day to try out and man does it look neato! I am thinking that I would like to try a cuff or a neck piece with that color. That would be wonderful! I have a few Etsy related projects to finish first. I want to keep them top secret until the persons that are receiving them can see them first. I love surprises....but only when I get to surprise other people........well, sometimes I like to be surprised too, but only nice surprises. Nice surprises make me happy, scary or mean surprises make me want to poke the surpriser ( I don't know if that is even a word but I am going to use it anyway)in the eye really hard. Well with that note, I am off to do more sewing. Have a great day all!

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