Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Changed My Shop Name

It is now Oh Nicaeli! I wanted to name it that from the very beginning but for some reason I never did. So now that we can change our shop names through Etsy, I gave it a go! Someday soon, I will also have a LOT of leathery things to offer. I am back to sewing and it feels good to be busy. I look forward to sharing my newest collection of leathery things to you:)


Jeraluna said...

I have always wanted to drop the "Designs" part from my shop JeraLuna Designs. I thought I wanted just JeraLuna but now I am unsure!

Unknown said...

I totally understand, I never liked having the "designs" part on my shop name either. I really just picked my Etsy shop name because I rushed through not thinking about it, now I think I like the change but I guess time will tell. I like Jeraluna all by itself, it really has a nice ring to it:)