Most of the day Sunday was spent with me in the kitchen making and baking. I made everyone chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast with homemade whipped cream and more chocolate chips for topping. Everyone gladly ate theirs except for Ciaran who we actually had to force to take one bite! He did try them and seemed pretty pleased that he did.( PICKY EATER!)
We ended up at the plaza for Trick or Treat time and had a blast! We had my sister and darling nephew join us for the fun. It is such a great feeling to be out in the community with so many people having fun and dressed up in some very creative costumes.
Then we headed back home for a night of pumpkin soup, homemade bread, Jack O' Lanterns, homemade hot apple cider, spooky movies and paranormal shows, and the promise of a little bit of sleep for me.( I had been up for three nights in a row with Ed, I was a little grumpy by the end of the evening to say the least!)
And that was it! A wonderful, joyful experience once again! Halloween just keeps getting better and better. I even made the promise that I would dress up next year. I just hope I can follow through!
Now back to the secret lab for some leathery goodness!
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