a little of everything that's gurgling and bubbling away here in the lab!
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Sun is Out!
..............And it's time for a walk! Last night I was finally able to sleep on my left side without dizziness and I can now look down without puking all over my feet! I love it! So today, I celebrate with my little partner in crime at our local thrift store, looking for leather and pants that might fit. Then off to see Mark at work, so Ciaran can flirt a bit, and then off for a cookie and coffee, so Ciaran can flirt some more. He really likes to flirt. Yipee for feeling better! Have a rainbow-like, metallic-y, purple-y, peaceful weekend everyone.................but only if you want to:)
metallic purple,
thrift stores,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Waiting For Some Tea
This not drinking coffee thing is kind of sucking! I love coffee, but it is not loving me these days, so tea it is. I just hate waiting for the kettle. I wish it would just make itself first thing in the morning. Especially on these cold rainy days when I need A LOT of motivation to get up. I just plain need motivation to get anything done right now. Now that I am feeling better, I am just kind of floundering. Afraid to work because it tends to bring the dizzy back. When I don't work, I kind of lose it and get a little bit bummed. So now it is just all about getting back into a routine. It's just hard to right now. I am happily distracted with some other things as well, which is not helping. I just have to find that patience and my long lost motivation and go with it. I will get there, some day, some way!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I Got Some Work!
My shop has been pretty slow, and since I've been sick, I haven't really been able to list anything. So I was very happily surprised to get a couple of custom orders to work on. It has been so nice to have something to work on instead of just sitting and staring at the wall. I am hoping it will motivate me to get cracking on other projects that need finishing and stocking up on inventory for my shops. Until then I am content just to be doing a little bit. It feels good to be back to work. I don't think I was meant for sitting still and doing nothing. It just doesn't work in my favor.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Distractions, Distractions, Distractions
A lot of them lately, the little boogers! Getting into my head and not budging, only to make me miss out on all the fun. Since the dizziness is fading, so should they.............I hope! I keep talking myself out of working due to this or that needing to get done. When what I really need to do is sit down and work..............A LOT! I have a show next month, I am trying desperately to stock up on inventory for the year, and I want work on some metal. The little distraction boogers keep getting in my way! THEY want me to go outside and play, go shopping for materials, and just sit and stare and contemplate the future. I think this is why I am digging our rainy days so much, because as long as Ciaran is content, I can work and not have to worry about leaving the house. Now if the kitchen and bathroom would just clean themselves, life would be perfect!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Well This Is Cool!
A day without dizziness! I woke up sleeping on my side which I haven't been able to do in about two weeks now, and I didn't even fall down when I got out of bed! It feels so nice to feel normal again! I hope it lasts. I am so happy I could dance..............but, I don't really want to take a chance quite yet. Maybe I will wait for a couple of days until I dance, that way, I can make sure my non-dizzy self is still non-dizzy. I guess Friday the 13th was good luck for me this year! YIPEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
All Is Quiet
One of my favorite things about rainy days is that they seem so quiet and that makes me feel peaceful. I need that peace right now. Slowing down and taking a breath and just being grateful was what today was all about for me. I am just enjoying the end of the day with the kiddo, my guy, and the fuzzy and shelled wonders. It was a really good day.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Oh Boy!
Some of my newer heart shaped items in honor of Valentine's Day. I am excited about our Valentine's fun this year. Our little family will be heading downtown to our favorite coffee house for a coffee for mom and dad, and a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream for the kiddo. Then home to have a nice dinner together and to watch a couple of movies. Simple and sweet. That is all I want.
So, my dizzy head is giving me a bit of a break today. I can move my head in both directions and look down now without getting dizzy. It is so lovely! I feel sooooooo much better now. I was starting to think I would be dizzy forever! I actually finished one project and got another one cut out yesterday, even with my new plan for work. I just hope I can keep it up. I tend to work best in the "all or none" approach. Meaning, when I work, I can work for hours on end and not take breaks. This was wonderful when I wasn't a mom and only worked in my off hours from my day job. I needed that super concentrated brain power to work through all that my stressful work week had handed me. Now, it's a bit different. I need breaks. I need breaks to be a mommy, to eat, to drink, and just to rest. No more working until I am cross-eyed and sore all over.........at least not for a while.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
So Far, So Good
I am taking my new plan for work seriously and trying to stick to it as much as possible. I feel so much better today! I am so happy! I decided to take it easy anyways and hang around the house to work on a few things and just take a breather. Meanwhile, Mark is taking Ciaran out for a breather of his own, away from sick, grouchy mama and to get some much needed fresh air and sunshine. Although I didn't do much except for make pudding and do some gluing, I feel like a whole new person. I would dance, but apparently, that can set off the whole dizzy thing all over again. So on to my quiet Saturday night, celebrated by little increments of work and rest...........and food!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Plan of Attack
So I am figuring that this vertigo thing gets worse with eye-strain. So my new plan of attack is small increments of time spent on my computering, and lots of rest periods, followed by a little leather work, then more rest periods, and lots of water and small snacks inbetween. Today I am getting out the green leather to cut out a few wallets and such, so I am limiting my computering to just the morning. It will be weird, but until I can get my dizzy head under control, it is necessary. Wish me luck:)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
No More Whining Here
I have given myself two goals today. One is to work a little bit, the other is too just go with whatever comes my way, and not get all frust-er-ated by it. Nothing is going to be perfect 100% of the time so I am just moving on along. Ready to roll with any punches. Although I am still a bit dizzy and a little stir-crazy, I am getting myself going for the day. I have stuff to do! First I will work on a couple orders, then I will play with paint. Lots of pretty metallic paint, so I can come up with some new colors to applique with. I am sure I will be taking lots of mini breaks for dizziness here and there, but darn it all! I am tired of sitting in this chair, only staring at the wall.(OOPS! that was a whine!) Off to work I go, with a big smile and googly eyes to match!
(Sometimes I have to put my own personal pep talks in writing in order to believe them myself)
(Sometimes I have to put my own personal pep talks in writing in order to believe them myself)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
More Blah!
So, my latest adventure is having vertigo. I went to bed on Saturday all happy and healthy and woke up to a new world. One that just spins and spins and makes me sick to my stomach. I am sure someone out there would enjoy the ride. Not me, since I suffer from motion sickness already. The ride is a whole lot less than fun. I am proud, that so far, I have not tossed up any cookies or summoned Ralph. I just seem to be riding it out. At least today there aren't four different keyboards to type on, and I can see clearly enough to do a little bit of computer work and answer emails. My poor kid has been stuck inside since Sunday and is now bringing me his shoes and socks on an hourly basis. He looks at me and says in his most serious toddler way "Walk?.......Puppies?.......Walk?" Then when I tell him "No, no walk today sweetie", he promptly smacks himself on the thigh, gives me the stink eye, and finds one of his toy trucks to play with.
Poor little dude, as soon as I feel better it's you and me, a coffee, a cookie, and all the puppies you could possibly play with.
Poor little dude, as soon as I feel better it's you and me, a coffee, a cookie, and all the puppies you could possibly play with.
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