The messenger bags are turning out to be a breeze despite the number of pockets I have on them. I decided to only add an interior slide pocket on both bags but I have added a few extra on the front of the bag. I think they will work out great. I was so miserable because one of my leather finds, a huge creamy-biege coat that appeared to be suede, turned out to be faux suede. Then as I was cutting out my other messenger bag I had the great idea of making the coat into a messenger as well. It is nice and durable fabric and it will eventually make a great bag for someone. I will post pics when they are both finished. As long as they turn out half way decent!
a little of everything that's gurgling and bubbling away here in the lab!
Friday, June 6, 2008
I am Trying Something new
The messenger bags are turning out to be a breeze despite the number of pockets I have on them. I decided to only add an interior slide pocket on both bags but I have added a few extra on the front of the bag. I think they will work out great. I was so miserable because one of my leather finds, a huge creamy-biege coat that appeared to be suede, turned out to be faux suede. Then as I was cutting out my other messenger bag I had the great idea of making the coat into a messenger as well. It is nice and durable fabric and it will eventually make a great bag for someone. I will post pics when they are both finished. As long as they turn out half way decent!
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