Sunday, March 17, 2013

Leprechaun Trap!

Leprechaun Truck Trap by Ciaran

Ciaran and I were busy building a leprechaun trap last week for his class.  He wanted a truck so we made one out of cereal boxes, sticks, bobbins, a vitamin bottle, and tissue paper.  Ciaran made a sign to entice the leprechaun to jump in the back of the truck and into the trap full of gold!    I think it turned out pretty darn cool:) 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The First One is Listed!

Pendant Number 1

I finally finished my pendants into "neck pieces" this week.  I added leather lacing to each one and some rivets to make them look super awesome and now, the first one is up in my Etsy shop.  I am diggin' how they are coming out and hope to expand on the idea a bit.  I think the thing I like the most is watching them patina before my eyes.  Since the metal I am using is scrap from my mask making, it already has some texture and patina to it.  I am adding more texture to help each piece of metal fit into the whole piece but I am leaving the rest alone.  Each piece is polished with a brass brush and soap and water only.  I only sand down the rough spots here and there.  So they are all going to naturally patina over time.  My goal is to have a completely new idea look like it has been around for ages, just like my masks do.  I am having way too much fun with these, I hope you enjoy looking at them too:)

Monday, March 11, 2013

What I Did This Weekend

I went into the secret lab and came out with these!  None of them are completely finished but here you go:) 

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My goal was to finish up five of these so I could finish each one over the course of the week and list them by the weekend.  But, my hands are blistered and sore and I think it may take a couple of extra days to finish up.  I still need to attach the bails and decide if I want to add chain or cord to them AND some coordinating copper and brass charms at the end of the cords to make them super AWESOME! 

I read somewhere that this year was the year to work hard, and I'm trying to.  I'm trying to minimize the time I'm on the computer so I can get more done in the lab.  I hope this is a step in the right direction.  Right now I am so excited that I got to do some metal work that I don't even care if anything comes of it.  I missed my metal so.

Until we meet again............