I woke up early today and actually had a few minutes to myself to work on my stuff. It was so lovely to have some quiet time to myself. I miss it. Not that I don't love my kiddos, but having my lap and arms to myself once in a while is quite a treat. So I got to gluing and playing, and just about finished up two wallets. Just a little bit of accomplishment goes a long way here these days. I get to finish out the day with a long walk downtown and perhaps a coffee and a cookie treat for Ciaran, Ed, and myself.
For the last week I have been working on a couple of custom orders, very bright and cheery custom orders. Lots of color and peacefulness, I love it! I get to utilize some of the lovely assortment of suedes and leathers that my dear friend Kathy sent me for my birthday. What a lovely person! It is always better than Christmas when the UPS man brings me a package from Kathy! This time there is everything from dusty dark plum to electric blue and almost everything in between. I think I may be using a little bit of the electric blue for myself for another wallet, since I am a wallet fiend.
We are also gearing up Halloween early this year. We are thinking Ciaran would make a lovely baby Spock and Edolie screeches like some unearthly creature so that's the plan so far. Just have to figure out Ed's costume now, we're thinking either a banshee or a pterodactyl. I see lots of cutting and sewing in my future!